Sunday, July 24, 2011

Captain Jack Log Day 13

The Hoover Dam
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Got up in the morning and went swimming in the pool.  The littlest crew member loved the pool.  Showered and clean we pulled out of the campground at noon.


Went to the Hoover Dam.  Didn’t take a tour but we did drive over it twice.  Had to be inspected before we could drive over…the inspector asked me to turn off the RV and then open all the compartments in the RV.  I said my crew would mutiny if I turned off the a/c!  Passed muster so we got to continue on…

Wires run everywhere!

We drove to Zion National Park and stayed just outside the park.  The youngest crew member got back in the pool.  The campsite was at the bottom of a big red mountain.  Time to sleep, goodnight!

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